I cannot even express to you how many ideas cross my mind while I am mid-workout. It's like the floodgates open and now I'm sitting down to type out my ideas and I feel like making a fart noise with my mouth because nothing else of interest is coming to me. My blog is so awesome. LOL
I titled this entry Make It Count because every workout is a two-step process for me. #1 - Do It. Get up, change into workout clothes and DO IT. #2 - Make It Count.
As I started my workout today I have to admit I had a lot on my mind that was non-exercise related. All I wanted to do was put in an hour's worth of exercise so I could mark it on my calendar and I could be done with it. As my workout progressed, the negativity of my mindset began to leave and it made me remember how important it is to make it count. Don't zone out. Don't watch TV or surf on your phone while you are exercising. Pay attention to my breath, my rhythm. Make sure I have good form, pay attention to the workout itself. I also like to make life interesting with the music I listen to ~ in a way change up an interval and pace based on the song I'm listening to. Little things throughout the workout that keep things interesting and different every time.
Making it count is like making a deposit in a bank account but instead of a bank, it's your exercise account. Corny analogy? Perhaps, but I completely believe it.
I am nervous about tomorrow. I'm going to see a dermatologist about a little bump on my nose but all day my mind has been running wild with worst-case-scenarios and ideas of how it could all go wrong. Now that I have finished my workout for the day my endorphins are searing through my body and I feel like I could take on the world.
How do you bottle up endorphins? Like a jar of air from the mountains. I want a jar of endorphins that I can whip out when I need a quick fix to take away anxiety or worry and just FEEL GOOD. I sure do love endorphins. They rock my world, dude.
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