
Monday, February 17, 2014

Marinated Greek Chicken & Peppers over Brown Rice

I was in a pinch to make lunch a couple days ago and realized I didn't have enough chicken to fill my favorite recipe for Greek Chicken Skewers, so I had to improvise.  When my husband and two young children gobbled it up and asked me to make it again, I figured it was worthy of writing down.

Marinated Greek Chicken & Peppers over Brown Rice

1 1/2 lbs. boneless, skinless chicken breast
4 Tbsp. extra virgin olive oil, divided
4 garlic cloves, crushed
1-2 tsp. dried oregano
1 tsp. salt
1 tsp. ground black pepper
2 Tbsp. freshly squeezed lemon juice
1/2 red onion, quartered
1 yellow bell pepper, cut into 1 inch pieces
1 red bell pepper, cut into 1 inch pieces
4 cups cooked long grain brown rice
1. In a medium bowl, coat chicken in 2 Tbsp. olive oil, garlic, oregano, salt, and pepper. Marinate 30 minutes. In a small bowl, whisk together 2 Tbsp. olive oil and lemon juice. Set aside.
2. Preheat outdoor grill or indoor grill pan to medium-high heat.  Place chicken breasts on grill or into pan.  Cover and cook, turning as necessary until almost cooked through.  (time will vary on size of chicken breasts)  When chicken is nearly cooked through add onions and baste with olive oil-lemon mixture.  When onions become translucent add peppers (I added them later as I like them with a little crunch).  Baste with remaining olive oil-lemon mixture.  Continue stirring and rotating chicken until cooked to internal temp of 180 degrees F.
3.  While chicken is cooking prepare 4 cups long grain brown rice per package instructions.
Serve chicken over rice immediately.  (I chose to chop up my chicken before serving over rice, as shown in photo)

Wednesday, February 5, 2014


January marked the completion of my 24-day Challenge with Advocare.  Success is a good feeling.  To complete the full 24-days.  Not wavering.  Sticking to it.  THAT was the biggest accomplishment for me.  I did it.

Losing weight was a perk, of course!  Over the course of the 24 days I lost 8.4 pounds and a total of 7 inches off my body.  Prior to this I never really thought about measuring my body.  Yet on Day 1, and then 24 days later to have 7 inches LESS on my body after measuring?  That leaves an impact!!

I could go into deep explanation of the Advocare products and what I liked and didn't like.  That's another post in another few days.  Today I simply want to write about how good it feels to have done this challenge.  I feel happier.  I am learning to not comfort eat.  I tend to comfort eat, whether I am happy or sad.  Getting back on track to not associating emotions with food being put in my mouth is big for me.  For example....I'm feeling good today, should I have a cupcake?  Or UGGH today is HARD, give me something salty!!!  Those both happen, sadly, and I am working on not doing it anymore.

Come check out my Advocare page if you're interested in ordering products:

CLEAN EATING has been huge.  The booklet you receive when you start this challenge outlines a guideline of portion size and suggested foods.  Also foods to avoid.  It's not EASY to cut out white flour, processed foods, sugar, salt, alcohol.  Especially if you are a busy mom with a family of hungry mouths that need food regularly and a lot of the times they need said food in a hurry or a rush.  The biggest part of my challenge was to figure out how to eat clean while feeding my family at the same time.  My husband has the metabolism of a horse (to which I am totally jealous of).  Putting a plate of 6 oz chicken breast, a cup of green beans and a small side of quinoa?  Yeah, that isn't a meal to him.  Thankfully with a lot of support, open mindedness and with a lot of flapping around in the breeze trying to figure out what works for my family, we have figured it out.  Now my family asks me to make clean recipes.  I feel like I'm not only making my body healthier, and I feel like an ass for having to admit this, but it's so much better for my family!  It makes me feel guilty for not doing this sooner.  This is how I have always wanted my family to eat, but somehow it didn't happen.  IT'S HAPPENING NOW!

Want recipe ideas?  I have a huge board on Pinterest called "Healthy Foodie" where I have pinned a ton of recipes.  Some have been tried and are loved, others are in que to try out.

I have some before & after pictures on lock-down on my computer.  They are terrifying.  At the time of taking them I forgot about the concept of ever showing them to anyone.  Gnarly lack of make-up.  Crazy hair.  Oh and the blubber.  Not the most appealing of images.  I don't want to scare you, either.  Next challenge I do I promise I'm going to take better before and after pictures.

Another challenge, you might ask?  Yes.  I am excited to do another challenge!!  It is recommended to wait 90 between challenges.  May 1st, I am starting another.  I am so excited to do it again.  Hopefully I will have even more amazing results!   Care to join me?